Future Generation

The dual exhibition FUTURE GENERATION gives a voice to emerging designers and start-up entrepreneurs to present their forward-looking solutions in the fashion and design sector. The innovative activities of the 11 designers of the MAD incubator program and 14 projects from recent graduates of Brussels fashion and design schools, beautifully capture the future of the sector. It is a future that is innovative, sustainable, and inclusive.

MAD Incubator show, an exhibition with

@anneleen.bertels @kana.arioka @guillaume_slizewicz @kasbah_kosmic @stefankartchev @design_for_resilience @margotvandenberghe @mipinta @studio.minimetre @skinseries_

MAD graduation show, an exhibition with

@eleonore_pauwels @julienhoudremont @_ovstudio @o2rose___ @ellavictorreihi @joodie.artist @betonthorn @lunaisolab @clementdecooman @candice.houtart @minjjoyy @sixou.t.ou @sein.te_ @_congomani_

Drawing by @kana.arioka

Logo graphics by @mauricealwaysbetter

Image by @skinseries_ (@carlarossi__)

Performance : Leah Crabe

Photographe : @wallisannika and @mad.brussels

Performance par Leah Crabé


La cendre des héléades